Showing posts with label rocket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rocket. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another SLV Rocket From Lapan

Indonesia's space agency, LAPAN, unveils its first prototype of satellite launch vehicle (SLV) or RPS (Roket Pembawa Satelit) in Indo-Defence, Indo Aerospace, and Indo Marine 2010 exhibition (IDAM 2010).

The exhibition arranged by The ministry of defense is part of Indonesia's effort to explore outer space for the benefit of human kind, especially, Indonesians. The exhibition occurred in 10-13 November 2010 in JIEXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta.

LAPAN rockets are classified "RX" (Roket Eksperimental) followed by the diameter in millimeters. For example, the RX-100 has a diameter of 100 mm. LAPAN's current workhouse rocket propulsion system consists of four stages, namely the three-stage RX 420 and the RX-320 level. It is planned to use the RX-420 as a booster (rocket booster) RPS for the planned Roket Pengorbit Satelit ("Orbital Satellite Rocket") planned to fly in 2014. In 2008 optimistic hopes were that this rocket,. known as SLV (Satellite Launch Vehicle) would first be launched in Indonesia to 2012, and if there were extra funds pursuant to the good economic situation of 2007-8, possibly the year 2010. In fact, the LAPAN budget for 2008 and 2007 was Rp 200 billion (approximately USD $20million). Budgetary issues surrounding the international credit crises of 2008-2009 placed many Indonesian technical projects in jeopardy most especially the complete development of RX-420 and associated micro-satellite program to world-class standards ahead of project finalization schedule and the opportunity to work together with the world institutions. LAPAN hopes to be an educating partner with Indian Aerospace in sciences related to satellite.

At November 11, 2010, LAPAN spokesman said the RX-550 rocket would undergo a static test in December this year and a flight test in 2012. The rocket will consist of four stages, will be part of an RPS-01 rocket to put a satellite in orbit. Before, the Polar LAPAN-TUBSAT (LAPAN-A1) satellite created in cooperation with Germany was successfully placed in orbit and until now still functioning well. The aim is to have home-made rockets and satellites.

LAPAN has re-established and rejuvenated Indonesian expertise in rocket and missile based weapons systems in cooperation with the TNI AL [Armed Forces of Indonesia] began in 2005. In April 2008, Indonesian TNI began a new missile research program alongside LAPAN. Prior to this, eight projects were sponsored by the TNI in Malacca monitoring with satellite remote LAPAN-TUBSat, most especially the theft of timber and alleged encroachment on Indonesian territorial waters in the 2009 escalation over Malaysia's claims to the huge gas fields off Ambalat-island.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Senin (22/11), Lapan berhasil menguji terbang lima buah roket eksperimen berdiameter 200 mm dan 100 mm di stasiun peluncuran roket Lapan, Pameungpeuk, Garut, Jawa Barat. Kelima roket tersebut membawa muatan Global Positioning System (GPS) untuk mengetahui posisi roket. Menurut Ka Pustekwagan Lapan, Ir. Yus Kadarusman Markis, Dipl. Ing., pengujian terbang ini tidak hanya untuk mengetahui posisi roket, tetapi juga dilakukan pengujian fungsi sistem separasi dan sustainer.

Selain muatan GPS, masing-masing roket juga membawa misi muatan lainnya. Untuk roket RX-200 membawa muatan untuk tracking radar, yakni alat untuk mengetahui posisi roket secara penghitungan jarak dengan menggunakan frekuensi radio yang dipasang dari tiga titik ground station. Sedang, roket RWX-200 dan RWX-100, memasang fungsi sistem separasi dan sustainer sebagai roket kedua.

Ir. Hermayudi Irwanto, M. Eng. menambahkan, roket RWX-200 merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari RWX-100. Dan semua ini berjalan sesuai dengan tahapan-tahapan yang telah direncanakan. Sedangkan untuk roket RTX-100, dilakukan pengujian sistem folded wing. Maksud pengujian ini untuk mengetahui pengontrolan sistem terbukanya sayap mulai dari keadaan tertutup dan kestabilan sayap saat setelah terbuka.

Selanjutnya, untuk roket RKX-200, ia menjelaskan, tujuan pengujiannya ditekankan pada pendeteksian sistem manuver roket, mulai dari roll (guling), pitch (anggukan), dan yaw (gelengan) dari pergerakan roket saat meluncur.

Dari semua pengujian terbang roket-roket eksperimen Lapan kali ini, Yus Kadarusman menegaskan, semua data yang diperoleh berjalan dengan baik. “Tentunya, ini masih tetap harus dikembangkan lebih lanjut agar mendapatkan hasil yang lebih optimal,” tegasnya.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

STMIK Potensi Utama, Medan, Juara Desain Terbaik Kompetisi Roket Indonesia 2010

Tim dari PENS-ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) Surabaya meraih juara pertama dan menyingkirkan 39 tim lainnya dalam Kompetisi Roket Indonesia (Korindo) 2010 yang digelar di Pantai Pandansimo, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

PENS-ITS lolos sebagai yang terbaik dalam penilaian peluncuran roket yang digelar Minggu (27/6) setelah sebelumnya melalui beberapa tahapan seleksi, kata Kabag Humas Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) Elly Kuntjahyowati di Jakarta, Selasa.

Meraih juara dua dalam kompetisi yang digelar Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional dan LAPAN itu adalah tim dari Universitas Pelita Harapan Jakarta.

Sementara tim Universitas Komputer Indonesia Bandung meraih juara ketiga, namun Elly Kuntjahyowati tidak merinci perolehan poin dari masing-masing peraih juara tersebut.

Tahapan dalam kompetisi meliputi dari seleksi proposal, workshop pengenalan teknologi peroketan, peluncuran dan uji terbang muatan roket, kemudian uji fungsional, dan terakhir penilaian peluncuran roket.

Berikut tim-tim yang menjuarai Korindo 2010 menurut keterangan yang dilansir oleh LAPAN melalui Kabag Humas lembaga itu Elly Kuntjahyowati:

* Juara I: PENS-ITS Surabaya
* Juara II: Universitas Pelita Harapan
* Juara III: Universitas Komputer Indonesia Bandung

* Juara Harapan I: Poltek TEDC Bandung
* Juara Harapan II: Universitas Negeri Semarang
* Juara Harapan III: Universitas Tarumanegara

* Juara Faforit: Universitas Indonesia
* Juara Kreativitas Terbaik: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta
* Juara Desain Terbaik: STMIK Potensi Utama, Medan

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rocket Racing League Closes Multi-Million Dollar Financing

The Rocket Racing League® today announced the closing of a $5.5 million dollar financing round, ensuring the next phase of development of the league. It also announced the appointment of a new President & CEO and the commencement of manufacturing activities for its next generation Rocket Racer®.

The financing round, led by Augustus Ventures Limited and America’s Cup winner Bill Koch, puts the League on track for execution of its plans to launch the world’s first interactive sport pitting pilot against pilot in manned rocket powered airplanes competing through a Raceway-in-the-Sky™.

Leading the Rocket Racing League in this next phase of growth is aviator, gaming and simulation “serial entrepreneur” Ramy Weitz. Mr. Weitz has been a director of the Rocket Racing League on behalf of Equalia Capital SA from inception in 2005, and is also a leading aviator actively piloting some of the world’s most advanced aircraft in operation today. Mr. Weitz takes over from Granger Whitelaw who will remain actively involved as Co-Founder, director and advisor to the League during this next important phase of growth. “I have enjoyed leading the company for the past 4 years and look forward to handing the day to day operations over to my friend Ramy,” said Granger Whitelaw, Co-Founder. “Ramy has a fantastic technology background and is a perfect choice for us as we focus on building the next phase of Rocket Racing and I am excited to help him do it.”

Toothpaste technician turned rocket engineer could help UK cross the final frontier

It may not quite meet NASA's exacting specifications, but this homemade rocket could help Britain cross the final frontier.

Nova 2's inventor Steve Bennett, a toothpaste technician turned rocket scientist, believes it holds the key to blasting tourists into space within just five years.

Not only that, but the Salford scientist is quietly confident of winning the race to launch the first space tourism business - beating off a host of billionaire rivals including Sir Richard Branson.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Diseminasi Perkembangan Roket dan Satelit

Nenek moyangku bangsa Pelaut, tapi anak cucuku bangsa dirgantara. Semangat tersebut disampaikan oleh Ninok Leksono, Redaktur Senior harian Kompas saat menjadi pembicara acara Diseminasi Perkembangan Roket dan Satelit di Indonesia.

Pantau Ketahanan Pangan lewat Satelit

Satelit tidak hanya sekadar memberikan gambaran mengenai permukaan Bumi. Dengan satelit, upaya ketahanan pangan dapat dilakukan.

Gempa tsunami yang terjadi pada akhir 2004 lalu telah meluluhlantakkan Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Lewat satelit, daerah yang terkena hantaman tsunami dapat terlihat dengan jelas.

Satelit telah menjadi kebutuhan yang tidak terpisahkan dengan kehidupan manusia, salah satu yang menonjol adalah kebutuhan komunikasi.

Telekomunikasi membuat orang yang berada di setiap penjuru dunia dapat menerima informasi dari belahan dunia lain, baik berupa informasi yang berbentuk gambar maupun suara, dalam waktu yang sama maupun berdekatan. Pada perkembangannya, satelit tidak hanya terbatas pada bidang tersebut, satelit dapat memantau bencana alam, gempa bumi, banjir, ataupun kebakaran hutan.

Dan saat ini, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) tengah mengembangkan suatu satelit yang sebagai alat untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan. Satelit yang diberi nama Lapan A2 dan Lapan Orari tersebut akan digunakan untuk melihat kondisi pertanian di Indonesia. �Dengan satelit tersebut maka akan diketahui siklus tanaman. Salah satu tanaman yang akan menjadi objek pantauan satelit tersebut adalah padi.

India to launch Oceansat-2 on Sep 23: ISRO

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) would launch Oceansat-2 satellite, which would help identify potential fishing zones and in coastal zone studies, on September 23 in a mission that would have European flavour.

The 970-KG spacecraft would set-off by the home-grown Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) from Sriharikota spaceport on the east coast, where preparations for the launch are in full swing.

"Oceansat-2 is tentatively scheduled to be launched at around noon on September 23," S Satish, spokesperson of Bangalore-headquartered ISRO, said.

ISRO officials said the launch is expected at 11.56 AM on that day.

The satellite is intended for identification of potential fishing zones, sea state forecasting, coastal zone studies and providing inputs for weather forecasting and climate studies.

It is an in-orbit replacement to Oceansat-1, launched by ISRO in May 1999 and was used to study physical and biological aspects of oceanography.

"Data from Oceansat-1 (which has completed ten years of service) was widely used by fishermen," ISRO Chairman G Madhavan Nair said.

Besides ISRO, European space agencies would be keenly looking forward for the missions success as a set of six European nano satellites would ride piggyback and accompany Oceansat-2 on its trip to orbit.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tawau sesuai dijadikan pusat pelancaran roket

Kawasan Pantai Timur Sabah terutama sekitar Tawau mempunyai ciri-ciri untuk dijadikan sebagai pusat pelancaran roket berdasarkan kedudukan geografinya yang amat sesuai untuk tujuan itu.

Bagaimanapun, Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, Fadillah Yusof berkata, kerajaan buat masa ini masih belum mempunyai cadangan yang kukuh untuk membangunkan pusat pelancaran roket di negara ini khususnya di Sabah.

Menurut beliau, kajian yang terperinci perlu dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu dalam memastikan tiada kesan negatif ke atas alam sekitar dan juga penduduk.

Malaysia's Borneo Space Base

Malaysia is hoping to become the latest country to develop its own space launch capability.

According to a report in the English-language New Straits Times newspaper, the project will be undertaken in co-operation with Japan's National Space Development Agency (Nasda).

China starts developing Long March 6 rockets for space mission

China has started developing the Long March 6 carrier rockets for its space programs, the China National Space Administration announced on its official website.

The Long March 6 rockets will be non-toxic and pollution-free while featuring a number of new technologies used for the first time in China, according to the administration.

The Long March 6 rockets are expected to be ready for blast off in 2013, it said.

The rockets will be designed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, developer of the Shenzhou VII spacecraft, from which Chinese aeronauts carried out the country’s first space walk in 2008.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Romania to launch its first space rocket in October

The Romanian Aeronautics and Cosmonautics Association (ARCA) announced on Wednesday that it will launch in October the country's first space rocket, in what is the final rehearsal for a 30 million dollar astronautic contest for landing a privately built spacecraft on the moon, initiated by the Google corporation.

The rocket dubbed Helen will be launched from a Black Sea platform and is a three-stage space rocket capable of reaching the outer space in suborbital flight, ARCA president Dumitru Popescu told a press conference.

During the Google Lunar X Prize Contest, it will reach the moon in three days, and during the Black Sea drill it is expected to reach cosmic space in two hours.

Navy watercraft will take to Black Sea high waters the launch set consisting of rocket Helen and the balloon that is to carry it to the upper atmosphere. The equipment will be unloaded from the ships onto the sea platform, where the balloon will be inflated and the rocket stages fueled with an ecological mix of hydrogen peroxide in a 70 percent concentration. The entire set has a launch weight of over 2,000 kilograms.

ATK successfully tests Ares motor

ATK Space Systems, which is building a motor for a new space rocket, successfully held a test-firing of the motor at a NASA facility in In Promontory, Utah Thursday.

This was the second test firing of the motor that will be used for the first stage of the Ares I crew launch vehicle that NASA is developing. The first test on August 27 was canceled with 20 seconds left in the countdown because of a problem with the ground controller which sends power to the system. After an investigation, researchers blamed the shutdown on a faulty part, which has been replaced.

The two-minute test collected data from 650 sensors to evaluate the motor’s performance.

ATK Space Systems, a division of Eden Prairie-based Alliant Techsystems Inc. (NYSE: ATK), is the prime contractor for the Ares I first stage, a single, five-segment reusable solid rocket booster derived from the Space Shuttle Program’s reusable solid rocket motor, according to NASA.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Multi-purpose aerospace system MAKS

MAKS multipurpose aerospace system has a number of fundamental advantages. In the first place it is a capability of putting payloads into any inclination orbits, high operation efficiency and low operational cost and absence of necessity to alienate areas under fields of fall of construction components.

Unlike the rocket systems tied to few space vehicle launching sites and limited in orbit choice, MAKS may be used for emergency rescue of space object crews or for urgent aerial reconnaissance of regions of technogene and natural extraordinary situations.



Russian Angara Launch Vehicle with 4 Baikal Rockets Attached

This is a 25 inch tall, resin and metal, hand made model of the Russian Angara Launch Vehicle with 4 Baikal Reusable Rockets attached.

It is a highly detailed, exact replica of the spacecraft. It was produced exclusively for the Khrunichev space center in Russia. The Baikals rockets are equiped with wings and jet engines making them able to return to the launch site after accelerating the Angara to orbit.

Baiterek space rocket made in Kazakhstan

The Baiterek project will cost up to 200 million dollars, another Roskosmos employee said on condition of anonymity. The Angara project will mainly be used to put Russian military satellites in space and should replace the powerful rocket currently used, the Proton.

Kazakhs, Russians Create Space Venture

Russia and Kazakhstan have signed founding documents for a joint space venture, Russian space officials said Tuesday. Alexander Medvedev, head of the Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center, and Maksudbek Rakhanov, chairman of the Kazakh Finance Ministry's State Property and Privatization Committee, signed the founding documents for the Baiterek joint venture, Khrunichev said in a news release.

Each nation retains a 50 percent share in the venture with a charter capital of $400,000, the Kazinform news agency said.

Khrunichev will build a new rocket-launch complex for Angara boosters - Russian heavy launch vehicles - at Kazakhstan's Baikonur cosmodrome, the center said. Baiterek's infrastructure will be based on existing launch sites for heavy boosters.

The center will be named Baiterek and planned for completion by the en d of 2008, Russian media reported earlier.

Kazakhstan's share of the project will total between $120 million and $150 million, the Interfax-Kazakhstan news agency said.

International Launch Services, a joint venture of U.S. Lockheed Martin and Khrunichev, will market Baiterek's services, Khrunichev said.

The Baikonur cosmodrome - 330 miles southwest of the Kazakh capital of Astana - is now leased from Kazakhstan by the Russian government.

Russia And Kazakhstan To Build Commercial Rocket
Moscow (AFP) Apr 06, 2005 - Russia and Kazakhstan have also agreed a joint venture to build a commercial space rocket in Kazakhstan that should be operational by 2008, a Russian space agency official said here on Wednesday.

The rocket will be built at Russia's Baikonur space base in Kazakhstan.

"We have established a joint venture to develop a new rocket, Baitarek, based on the Russian (military) rocket Angara," said General Anatoly Perminov of the Russian space agency Roskosmos.

He said the project would be financed by Kazakhstan.

"It will be used solely for civilian purposes," Viatcheslav Davidenko, a Roskosmos spokesman, told AFP.

"Russia will develop the two projects, Baitarek and Angara, simultaneously," he added.

The Baiterek project will cost up to 200 million dollars, another Roskosmos employee said on condition of anonymity.

The Angara project will mainly be used to put Russian military satellites in space and should replace the powerful rocket currently used, the Proton.

It is scheduled for completion in 2008 at the Plessetsk space station in Russia's northwest.

Unlike the Proton, which uses a toxic fuel, both Baitarek and Angara will be powered by a cleaner fuel mixture of liquid oxygen and kerosene.

China Starts Developing New Rockets For Space Mission

China has started developing the Long March 6 carrier rockets for its space programs, the China National Space Administration announced on its official website.

The Long March 6 rockets will be non-toxic and pollution-free while featuring a number of new technologies used for the first time in China, according to the administration.

The Long March 6 rockets are expected to be ready for blast off in 2013, it said.
The rockets will be designed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, developer of the Shenzhou VII spacecraft, from which Chinese taikonauts carried out the country's first space walk in 2008.

The payload capacity of the Long March 6 rockets are not revealed. Neither are specific space programs the rockets are to be involved in.

China aims to set up a simple space lab in 2011 and a manned space station in 2020. It also intends to go further in space and has set its eyes on a moon landing.


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